Point blank, I liked this movie. Not luhhvedd. But liked, a lot. The characters were quirky, the jokes were funny, the city was New York, and there was a dash of romance in there (well actually more than a dash) what more could I ask for? Caroline was my favorite character. I like the non-main characters, but still have an impact on the story line, in an amusing way. Oh yes those kinda people are my people. I loved the fact that Nick and Norah were so different, but so similar at the same time. I found it cute that they bonded over music, and their uncommon feelings toward a girl. It was good I'd recommend it. It does have a similar feel to Juno, Micheal Cera aside. But even that's a stretch.
To start off, I just have to say damn you dvd player/dvd/netflix/whatever made this movie's graphics sooo assy. Alright on to the movie. The only reason I kept watching this movie, even though every time the screen itself moved I couldn't tell what the hell was going on (ok done promise) is because I really enjoyed this movie. It was oddly sweet. I was expecting it to be more of a comedy and less of a story with a moral. Although it was pretty funny. I quickly came to love all the quirky characters, especially Annie (maybe that's because I saw a lot of her in me...) Heck I even liked the mom a bit. This is definitely a movie for anyone who has ever had to "deal" with children (ie moms, dads, nannies, babysitters). I will not lie it made me want to see my little goddaughter. I was a little disappointed in the end (*spoiler!!!! I wanted her to see Grover again Ok spoiler done)But other than my trivial complaint this movie was really good and sweet. I think I might even add it to my favorites list *gasp!!* I honestly can't remember a movie that I've seen like it, so I won't compare it to a movie...
Bella was more like medio to me. It was fine, but its not a movie I could watch anymore than probably once. Although it was sweet, it was really, really slow moving. There were a lot of little things that I thought could have been left out. (ahem the Manny being adopted storyline... that didn't go anywhere, and it didn't matter). I did like the emphasis on family though. How a good family life when you're young totally affects the way you view families for the rest of your life. Nina tends to be more cautious about starting a family, afraid that she'll mess up the child's life because of her past. It makes me appreciate that I have grown up in a loving environment. This movie all in all is a feel good movie. You'll feel a little cheesed up afterwards, but it's pretty good.
Hilarious goodness at its best right here. Well not best but "better" just didn't sound right in that sentence. Role Models was funny, medley sweet, and it had some medieval warriors. Yes, I am not joking you. (see up) The little one liners totally made this movie. My friends and I are going to quote this movie so many times we're going to forget where it came from. All of the characters are lovable and very funny. Sean William Scott's character Wheeler would have to be my favorite, but I cannot deny my love for Augie and Ronnie. Role Model kind of reminded me of Big Daddy, but with more vulgar jokes and these kids can already wipe there asses, they just need guidance in other areas (see picture up again). I would recommend it if you like the twisted sweet, but still pretty vulgar movies. It was definitely worth the trouble I had to take to get there.